You have certainly faced challenges and transformative moments at many junctures in your life, and so have many others whom you know. But when you and your loved ones courageously begin to think about embarking on psychotherapy, or of going back to it in a new context, you are ready for a new attitude towards your challenges.
You are ready to engage with the important attitude of curiosity in relation to these unique moments and shared patterns, and to do so within the context of a therapeutic relationship. You now find that your unique joys and worries, and patterns you might share with others, are no longer at the margins of your life but at the very center. You are curious about them, about exploring and working with them so that life is more fulfilling. Yet, you wish to engage this curiosity while being supported by a trained individual.
I am trained to do this work. I have worked with others to offer such support. I am here to walk with you and your loved ones on this journey of curiosity.
Listening to words, gestures, silences
When we listen together we begin to understand our words, gestures and silences. In a spirit of curiosity, we listen together. What would you listen to?
Perhaps you might listen to the rhythm of your current life, to the resonance of experiences which continue to shape you, to the puzzling and affirming ways in which the world speaks to you, to the conversations you have with your loved ones and to the feedback of your fellow students and work colleagues. We might listen to your heart and mind, to the language of your dreams. We might watch how gestures and actions communicate. We might become attentive to silence, and to the space between sounds.
Most importantly we will learn to listen to each other, and realize that this communication, this being heard, can amplify our experience of listening to our deepest self.
There is a rich world within our reach
There is a rich inner and outer world within our reach, one which we can share with others. When we are struggling it is hard to remember that we have access to a world of beauty and richness, and that it is possible to share this world with others. Relationships test us, and they offer us support and meaning when they work well.
Our journey in psychotherapy together will offer the opportunity to share your self with others and to learn from their experience within a larger world. Nature, education, work, art, service are other ways in which we can relate to a world outside ourselves while nourishing our inner being. Such an attitude has enriched my life and work, and I will support you in accessing the same richness.
Embarking on the adventure of psychotherapy will open up these pathways and worlds in due time. Contact me so that we can begin this journey.